Time flies in the blink of an eye…

Ravinder Kaur
3 min readMay 31, 2024


In today’s fast-paced world, time is the only costly commodity. Whether juggling work, school, family or any personal tasks, time management is the only key to achieving your life goals and success. Let’s explore some tips to use time effectively and live a balanced and productive life.

  1. Set Smart Goals: Without goals, it is easy to drift aimlessly. Always use the Smart approach to set Smart Goals. There is a need to create specific, achievable, measurable, realistic and time-bound goals to reach closer to your milestone.
  2. Create a daily Schedule: You may better organise your day and set aside time for important chores by creating a daily calendar. To keep yourself organised, make use of tools like time management, apps, calendars and planners. Don't forget to include buffer hours for some emergencies or unforeseen situations.
  3. Prioritise your tasks: Not every task is equally important. You can use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorise the tasks based on their urgency. You can complete important and urgent tasks right now. Choose time for the tasks that are important but not urgent. Delegate the tasks that are urgent but not important. Always get rid of tasks that are neither important nor urgent.
  4. Use the Pomodoro technique: The Pomodoro technique is a popular time management method that involves working in short sprints for more productivity. One Pomodoro includes 25 minutes of deep work followed by 5 minutes of break. After every four Pomodoros, take a longer break like 15–30 minutes. This method promotes a high level of focus and prevents burnout.
  5. Time Blocking: Time blocking is a wonderful way to divide your days into blocks of time and allocate every task carefully. Just pay attention to one subject at a time. It helps to avoid multitasking. It is helpful while juggling several commitments or handling multiple projects.
  6. Mute Notifications: Social media is a great help in energy and time sucker. We need to decide on the applications where we need to spend our time daily. We can keep unimportant notifications on mute this way there will be fewer distractions/ disturbances during deeper work.
  7. Learn to Say No: Sometimes, overcommitting is a common mistake in time management. It is important to recognise your limits and not to take on more than you can handle. You can politely say no to additional tasks or delegate them when possible. Prioritise your well-being and focus on commitments that align with your goals.
  8. Adjust and Reflect: It is always critical to regularly evaluate your time management techniques. At the end of each week, analyse every task and reflect on what worked well and what didn’t. Create and adjust your strategies accordingly. You will grow exponentially and hone your strategy-making skills which will make you efficient over time.

Time Management is an ongoing process that requires perseverance, practice and patience to become an expert. You can take charge of your time and live a satisfying life by prioritising tasks, setting smart goals, creating a daily schedule and getting rid of all distractions. Effective time management involves doing the right things at the right time not doing more tasks.

Happy Reading!!!

Happy Living!!!

