7 Impactful Soft Skills to Create a Solid Personality in Corporates

Ravinder Kaur
6 min readJan 29, 2021

Are you still struggling to develop soft skills? Do you know what kinds of soft skills corporates are searching for in the prospective candidates? Let’s discuss the variety of soft skills required to become a successful corporate employee.

Soft skills include a wide range of skills as teamwork, time management, empathy, delegation and stress management. It refers to the traits and skills that decide how effectively a person can work or interact with others in an organisation. Let’s discuss the importance of these skills.

Why Soft Skills are Important?

Soft skills are important for all industries across the world. People with good soft skills can interact with others as they have strong situational analysis and emotional intelligence. It will help to steer difficult working environments and produce positive results for the organisation. Soft skills help the employees to adapt to the changing work environment. Following are some benefits of developing soft skills:

· To Increase Productivity — Soft skills enhance the productivity and efficiency of employees. When an employee starts managing his time effectively and performs all his tasks within the stipulated time. It is his time management skills that will allocate him more responsibilities to perform tasks to achieve the organisation goals.

· To Improve Teamwork — The quality of work improves when employees use their strengths and skills together in collaboration. When they will know the concept of synergy in the workplace they will realize the importance of teamwork in the organisation.

· To Improve Employee Satisfaction — Employees feel the sense of their value when an organisation invests in them to develop their soft skills. They will feel appreciated and having a positive outlook of the company increases their level of job satisfaction. Employees feel satisfied when they performed timebound tasks and get rewarded.

· To Improve Retention Rates — Employees with soft skills don’t require any kind of personal development training. It is recommended that each employee must have soft skills to secure jobs that will ultimately reduce the recruitment costs for the company with increased staff retention.

· To Improve Leadership Skills — Soft skills, such as active listening and empathy decide the employee’s role in the leadership position. This is the main cause of employees for their request for project change or leaving the organisation due to the poor leadership of managers.

· To Attract New Clients — If your clients are happy with the company’s services, they are more likely to recommend you to other clients. This provides your company with new business opportunities and more revenue. Even a person sitting at the reception is the face of the company as only he/she is the person to deal with the clients for their appointments.

As we come to know about the soft skills and their importance then let’s discuss the types of skills required in an individual.

Types of Skills:

1. Communication: It is one of the soft skills act as the tool, you use to converse with others effectively and clearly. Successful people ultimately make their quality public performance with communication skills. It helps us better understand people and situations. It helps us build trust and create conditions for sharing creative ideas and solving problems. It is the most in-demand skill across the world. Communication skills are needed whether you are working as a nurse, a hairdresser, a mechanic or a manager etc. It has its advantages such as communication will help your employees to interact more effectively and understand the job well to increase their productivity.

2. Teamwork: Team stands for ‘together everybody achieves mind-blowing results.’ It is another tool that allows employees to attain common goals and achieve unrealistic results. It provides a quick and better decision to the solution of the problem if employees work on the same problem together. It is recommended that employees working in teams are abundant of ideas to give.

Qualities of team member:

§ Communicate effectively

§ Listen actively

§ Participate in an active manner

§ Share ideas openly

§ Problem solver

§ Shows commitment

§ Treat other members with respect

§ Innovative

3. Stress Management: Stress is a mental condition in which an individual reacts to a particular challenge and fear. It happens when an individual thinks more about the situations that create a state of mental disturbance. In routine, we see many people having the stress of meeting job targets, peer pressure, inability to maintain balance in personal as well as professional life. There is a need to stay calm in every situation. Stress will impact adversely on employee performance even in personal life.

4. Critical thinking: These skills are the analytical skills that check whether the employees can understand the situations. Whether he can analyse the prevailing conditions in the organisation, the reason behind this and what are the possible outcomes to resolve the matter with a win-win strategy. How differently the employee can perceive the situation and offer the best solution to the problem decides his critical analysis skills.

5. Adaptability: It is the condition when employees never worry about the change in working conditions as well as changes in technical aspects. They adapt to new technology to grow and learn more. It is the condition of adopting new technology for new realities. Soft skills can be developed but the only thing you need is to focus on your lacking areas. If you will try to develop all the skills at one go. You will face the failure which ultimately discourages you.

6. Organisation: It is another skill that decides the performance of the employees. If the employee prepares his daily to-do list and prioritises the tasks that are urgent and most important. Then, he can allocate all the available resources to the utmost use to perform the task efficiently. It helps him to save time and meet the deadlines.

7. Social skills: These skills help to understand the thoughts and feelings of other employees working in the organisation. Only verbal communication is not sufficient to understand the ideas of others. There are a lot of things to notice in the organisations that how employees welcome the new trainees, their facial expressions, gestures. Whether you are giving chance to the new employees to speak and share their points shows the social skills of employees. These skills look so common but their absence can decide your future and presence will decide the altitude in your life.

My Personal Story: Stress is a part of everybody’s life. If we manage the stress, we can manage everything in the world in the same way as I started managing my early morning hours. It shows productivity in my daily routine. Sticking to the daily to-do helps me to manage time and execute the task within the stipulated time. I am following the habit of early birds to maximise productivity and plan the day. In the evening I analyse whether I completed all of my scheduled tasks or some are still pending for tomorrow.

Conclusion: In the end, I must say soft skills are relevant to all but the core important skill to develop is communication. If the right information will not be communicated to the right person at the right time then that information is of no use. It will adversely affect one’s productivity. These skills are not only useful in the corporate world rather work in general as well.

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